Sunday, September 29, 2024

Satan's Spit, by Gabriel Valjan

 "Satan's Spit," by Gabriel Valjan, in Tales of Music, Murder, and Mayhem: Bouchercon Anthology 2024. edited by Heather Graham, Down and Out Books, 2024.

This is the second story by Valjan to make this list.

It is 1934 and in rural Tennessee Sheriff Presser and Deputy Garland are called to a murder in Satan's Spit, the Negro part of town.  The victim is Charlie, a teenage boy, except it turns out that she was a girl.  She used to play harmonica in Mama Raye's juke joint, which is nearby.

Charlie's secret is just the first of many that need to be investigated before the murderer can be uncovered.  For example: who called the police in the first place?

This is a nice historical story with plenty of period and location detail.

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