"Something I Said," by Bracken MacLeod, in Protectors 2: Heroes, edited by Thomas Pluck, Goombah Gumbo Press, 2015.
I can't say much about this story without giving away the store. So let me point out that the book is a fundraiser for PROTECT, "a non-partisan anti-crime pro-child lobby." There are worse causes.
The narrator of the story, Abel, is a bartender and he's back in the tavern on a night off. He deliberately picks a fight with a regular customer, a guy named Scott. Scott is what they call a "pick-up artist," who brags on the web about his irresistable techniques for seducing women.
Why does Abel want to get into a fight with this steroid-laden jerk? What's his game plan?
That's where I have to stop talking. Except to say that, while the story is serious, there's a line about martial arts that made me laugh out loud. And the last paragraph is stunning.