"The Case of the Pink Lady," by Casper Bogart, via Amazon.
"Audacity, more audacity, always audacity," so said Georges Jacques Danton. It is a good motto for writers. I love fiction that drops your jaw and makes you say, "can you do that?"
The pseudonymous Mr. Bogart succeeded in being audacious with this e-tale. It features as its protagonist-detective none other than Dick Nixon. This takes place in 1late 962, one of the lowest points of Tricky's career. After losing the presidency by a hair's breath (and arguably by fraud) he loses a race for governorship in California. As the story begins he makes his famous announcement that the press won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore.
A day later he gets a panicked phone call from his campaign manager: there is a dead woman in a convertible in the manager's driveway and the cops want to know what happened. Nixon volunteers to act as the man's attorney and quickly discovers (with a little help from his buddy J. Edgar Hoover) that the dead woman is connected to both him and some high-up Democrats. Dirty tricks abound.
The story is about as believable as Grimm's Fairy Tales (my problem is not the political shenanigans, but Nixon's brilliant detectivizing), but it has an interesting viewpoint on Nixon's character and some wonderful flashes of wit.
The phone rang.
A female operator. "Long distance from Washington, D.C."
Nixon snorted. "You bet it is."