Saturday, August 24, 2024

Time and Tide by Edd Vick and Manny Frishberg


"Time and Tide" by Edd Vick and Manny Frishberg, in Black Cat Weekly, #155. 

After a dozen years of cavorting with dolphins in a bikini at Ocean Planet, I found myself out of work when all the live dolphin shows shut down. Damn PETA.

But our intrepid narrator has a plan to get rich.  She lives on the Treasure Coast of Florida and she is training two dolphins, Scott and Zelda, to hunt for artifacts on the ocean bottom and bring them to her.  Things like gold coins from ancient Spanish shipwrecks.

Clever plan, until a surfer arrives on her favorite beach.  And not just any surfer but a video influencer with an entourage.  Can she get rid of him and his buddies before the King tide comes?

An intriguing story. 

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