Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Hospital Boomerang, by Kevin R. Tipple

"The Hospital Boomerang," by Kevin R. Tipple, in Larceny and Last Chances, edited by Judy Penz Sheluk, Superior Shores Press, 2024.

The publisher sent me a free e-copy of this book.

My friend Kevin Tipple has written a fun story.

We're in a small town in Texas.  More specifically in a hospital where the narrator (nameless, I think) is waking up in a bed.  It's his second stay there:

Neither wrist was handcuffed to the rail of the bed. An improvement over my last visit.

As the tale unfolds we will learn about the events that put him in the hospital the first time (followed by prison) and the rather different circumstances that gained him a return trip. Ironically both visits are based on his making dubious decisions, but the outcomes are quite different.

Nice little twist at the end.


  1. Thanks for selecting a story from this collection, Robert. I'm so glad you enjoyed Kevin's story!

  2. Definitely a fun read and great contribution to Larceny and Last Chances!
