Sunday, October 9, 2016

Someone's Moved the Sun, by Jeffrey Siger

"Someone's Moved the Sun," by Jeffrey Siger, in Sunshine Noir, edited by Annamaria Alfieri and Michael Stanley, White Sun Books, 2016.

Toni plays piano in a gay bar on an island in Greece.  To pay the bills he (I assume Toni is a he. As near as I can tell, it is not specified) is also an unlicensed private eye.  That means he helps tourists and others get stolen property back.

This time his client is a wealthy man named Kleftis who seems to have lost a backpack. What was in it?  Cash, certainly.  Black market jewelry, very likely.  Perhaps something more sinister than that?

 Toni thinks he knows who may have done it but there are dangers in proceeding:

Perhaps I could entice one of their local gang members into making a side deal, but that ran the very real risk of someone ending up buried alongside the backpack.  Correction: Make that someone me.

A nice modern variation of the classic P.I. tale.


  1. I was intrigued by this anthology at B'con and bookmarked it to pick up later. Your latest posts have encouraged me to move it up on the pile!

  2. Rob, if I didn’t know better I’d have thought you were listening to a conversation I had last night with Reavis Wortham as we were getting ready for a joint appearance of Poisoned Pen Press authors with Michael Kahn at the St. Louis County Public Library. I’d mentioned to Rev how much I enjoyed writing short stories—which require a very different skill set from crafting novels—and had written a few, but as mine came out within anthologies, I had no idea of how readers viewed my work.

    Then a read your post kindly praising my “Someone’s Moved the Sun” short story included within the truly terrific SUNSHINE NOIR anthology (edited by Annamaria Alfieri and Michael Stanley), and my face lit up in very broad smile. Talk about timing. Thank you.
